health benefits of silver jewelry

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Finding the right silver jewelry for an occasion can be a pleasure. But did you know that there is more to silver than just style and sparkle? Silver also has health benefits, which makes it even more of a shopping essential.

In the past, wealthy people only ate off of silver ware, mainly because silver can kill bacteria. These days they favor most convenience over style and less fresh food. You can, however, combine those elements and benefit from both sides.

Silver is also an essential mineral for pregnant women and their babies during fetal development. Silver can be found naturally in breast milk, which is why some pediatricians recommend giving infants silver supplements after they are born.

Silver as an antibiotic

Silver is found in traceable amounts in the human body. Only small amounts are necessary for optimum health. Silver has been used for centuries as a natural antibiotic and anti-bacteria agent, even before we developed modern medicine.

An essential trace element, silver is as important as calcium and magnesium in the body. Although it is not known exactly how much silver each person needs, some scientists believe that it is enough to fit on the head of a pin.

It even attacks a virus’s ability to reproduce itself, rendering it harmless. Silver also protects against skin infections when used in bandages and dressings. It can even prevent ulcers and help with stomach disorders like acid reflux.

Silver as an medication

Silver is especially helpful in preventing and treating the common cold, flu and other respiratory infections such as pneumonia. Silver ions are known to be deadly to bacteria, viruses and fungi, which is why it has long been used in medical coatings.

Using silver to treat diarrhea, especially in children is very popular. This can be accomplished by mixing a small amount of colloidal silver into the child’s water. The silver ions attach to the water molecules and are absorbed directly into the body, without causing any side effects or harsh chemical reactions.

The right kind of silver for your needs

There are a few different kinds of silver to choose from. In order for silver to work against bacteria, it must be 99.9 percent pure. This type is also called “pure silver” or “fine silver”. Sterling silver contains 92.5% pure silver and 7.5% copper alloy in order to give the metal strength and durability.

What are colloidal silver, silver ions and ionic silver?

Colloidal silver is simply very small particles of pure silver suspended in distilled water. The amount of actual silver can vary between 10 to 20 parts per million. This is the type most commonly used for health purposes, because it creates larger surface areas on contact with bacteria or viruses

Many companies sell their own version of nano-silver technology products. They are known as nanosilver because it uses tiny particles that are 10nm thick which makes them readily absorbable through skin or membranes. Even McDonalds has begun using this technology for its salad containers to kill viruses on produce!

However, there are better ways to use silver products safely and effectively than consuming it orally. Silver is found in many beauty products, from facial creams to body washes. Silver inhibits the growth of microorganisms that lead to body odor and leave one feeling refreshed and smelling clean after using a silver-infused product. So you can use a body wash or face cream, that contains silver which can kill harmful bacteria on the skin without causing any side effects.

In order to use silver products correctly and safely, it is essential to make sure that they are medical grade . The best way of doing this is by checking the label for a CE mark or ISO certification. You should also check with your local health store for information about nanosilver technology and what brand they recommend.

Silver to wounds

Wrapping a bandage or dressing with silver on it can help prevent infections, especially in wounds. This is because the silver ions released from the silver-containing material fight against harmful bacteria and enhance your own body’s healing capabilities. Silver does not damage healthy cells or tissues, which makes it safe for use on skin.

This dressing may be called a medicated dressing or an antimicrobial dressing, but if it is silver-containing it should have some kind of certification to prove that the material has been manufactured safely.

Silver in hospitals

Silver surfaces are used in hospitals to help lower infection rates and speed up healing time for patients with open wounds, especially ulcers. Silver is also known to kill the human papillomavirus (HPV) which can lead to cancer. Over 99% of HPV virus types are killed within the first 15 minutes after exposure to silver.

Using silver in the home

Silver kills bacteria and fungi, which is why it has been used for years to make spoons. Silverware is not only good for keeping food safe to eat; it also keeps your family free from sicknesses caused by harmful germs.

The right clothes can keep you healthy too! Some clothing manufacturers are now using silver nanoparticles in their fabrics to kill 99.9 percent of germs that come in contact with them. Since they do not wash out of fabric easily, these special fibers work continuously to protect against illness and disease unless the cloth is deliberately washed in strong detergent or bleach several times in a row.

You can use nano-silver technology by filling your washing machine with water and adding a few teaspoons of colloidal silver. Place your clothing into the silver-infused water and let them soak for 30 minutes, then rinse. The crystals remain on the fabric after washing for added protection against harmful germs.

It is also possible to use colloidal silver in a personal humidifier, to protect your family from colds, flu and other infections that are spread through dry air inside homes during winter months. Silver kills viruses too, so you can breathe easy knowing you are not breathing in any bacteria or fungus spores that may lead to illness!

What about pets?

Just as colloidal silver can be used in laundry machines and humidifiers it can also be used with household pets . There are several dog breeds that have health issues colloidal silver can help prevent, such as American Staffordshire terriers, English bulldogs and German shepherds. These breeds are more prone to developing sepsis or blood poisoning as they age.

Colloidal silver can also be used as an effective flea treatment for cats and dogs which is especially useful if the animal has irritated skin from scratching at itchy bites. A few spoonfuls of colloidal silver added to your dog or cat’s water bowl will ensure that they stay free from harm and keep their coats shiny and healthy-looking too!

As if all these uses weren’t enough, you can wear it as beautiful jewelry as well!

You can put your mind at ease knowing that you have found an all-natural product that kills off harmful bacteria without harsh chemicals or additives. Start looking for it today!
