Sterling Silver Benefits

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There are a lot of sterling silver benefits and it can be a very good choice when it comes to jewelry. Here are some of the most well-known benefits of sterling silver.

Its not too expensive

It is inexpensive and can usually be purchased for less than $30, depending on where you purchase it. Because of the low price point of sterling silver, it is typically an affordable option when jewelry shopping.

Sterling silver jewelry is a great option for those looking to buy jewelry without breaking the bank. Just like white gold and platinum, it’s a beautiful metal. Don’t be fooled by its affordability-it looks just as good as these more expensive metals, minus the sticker shock!.

It has become popular in recent years because many celebrities are frequently seen wearing it, lending to its coolness factor in terms of style and desirability.

Its hypoallergenic

It produces no allergic reactions. The metal is hypoallergenic and doesn’t irritate skin like other metals, such as nickel and copper, which many people who purchase jewelry will be sensitive to. If you’re sensitive to certain metals, this is a great option as no irritation will occur. A lot of time silver is mixed with another metal mainly nickel, which causes the allergenic reaction. If you are intrested in reading more about the health benefits of silver jewelry.

Sterling silver has a long life span.

Sterling silver jewelry has average life span of 50-100 years, but this is dependent on the type of care that the wearer takes. If you take care of your sterling silver properly, it may even live up to 200 years. If the silver is used frequently and not protected, it will tarnish more quickly. But if you can keep your silver looking great with some basic care guidelines, it might be one of the best choices for you!

Sterling silver may have many different appearances.

With time sterling silver can get a patina with a beautiful look. Tarnish forms over time and is a thin film that sits on top of the silver. but if you want to get rid of it and turn your jewelry piece back to how it was when you first purchased it, all you have to do is polish it and it will look completely different.

Very fashionable

It can be worn with almost any style, clothing choice or color combination you prefer, making it very versatile compared to other types of metals that may not pair well with certain colors or outfits.. Because sterling silver has become popular in recent years many stores carry this type of jewelry.

The history of fashion is also cyclical. Because sterling silver is robust and long-lasting, you will be able to use it again for many years. If not, maybe your daughter or son will in the future.

Its easy to work with

One of the many benefits of sterling silver is that it can be used in any jewelry making technique. It does not present any problems with anything like gold might. Silver is a great metal for people looking to experiment.

you can make your own custom sterling silver jewelry by hand stamping words and symbols into the metal. This is a great option for those looking to make a personal heirloom piece, or even to give as a gift!

And because of the strength and durability of the sterling silver you can make an excellent heirloom that will pass in the family for a very long time .If they take good care of it, of course.
